Archive Monthly Archives: June 2020

“Island Girl Vision”

“I remember seeing her standing on the high balcony, backdropped by a hazy range of Leonardo mountains and the vague river snaking by their feet. She was a Pacific Island girl, probably about thirty, at the acme of her feminine beauty. Her form waved up like an ondule-patterned silk, magic to the eyes. Her straight, black hair hung […]

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“’Angelsea’ captured the essence of woman, as the cosmic love force, moving with an angel’s grace, with the universe as her home, as a divine mermaid, her life-breath the heat of love itself, the paramour of magic, the speller of the gods themselves, clad in rainbows and teardrops. Cat Stevens sang it with the earthy […]

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“Time and Space”

“Skylar walked to Fairer Elementary school with his brother. They only needed to go half a block down Mayfield to the stop sign, turn right, walk to Hampshire, the next street over, then cross it to the school. Space and time had for him, in those days, an elasticity related to his consciousness, a sort […]

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“Sacred Presence”

“The ambience around an enlightened being is such that anyone in it has their attention ineluctably broadened to the most expansive and generous outlook. It is as though the holy person merely points up to the sky and everyone around him stops concentrating on the thorns and pebbles over which they are trudging and gazes […]

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“A Better World”

“Skylar was not escaping from an ugly world to a more beautiful one (alright, to be honest, he was); at least, he was not just escaping.  He was discovering, in these reveries, according to his mode of analysis, a more ontologically valid world than the one in which everyone else appeared to live.  In his […]

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“What Love Is”

“But she could not continue to exist under the false, hard light of mental man. On the polarities of the cross of the material-thing, she would be sacrificed. She could not truly be perceived as something other than himself. Only in that state of awareness wherein an oceanic unity prevailed, making all its own, could […]

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