Archive Monthly Archives: July 2020

“A Modern Patrician”

“Any humble writer would tremble before the task of describing such a man, but one must make an attempt. Royal Fortunatus, Jr. first impressed one as a handsome young man who had about him a patrician air. He would have looked just as fine in the white linen, waistcoat, and breeches of the Federalist period, […]

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“Soul Discovery”

“So, he learned from art history that the Truths of genius became available only to those who stayed still as the moonlit lake and allowed the winds from the inspired to move across them as the breath of God moved over the waters on the first day of creation. This knowledge dovetailed with that gained […]

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“A Friend”

“As he gazed into his young friend’s eyes, seeing there only welcome and joy, Skylar felt himself unfolding, as if he had been a long-locked jewelry box whose mechanism had just sprung open. His heart, which had long lain hidden beneath layer after layer of protection, behind shield, armor, and mail, like a cherished princess […]

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“The Balm of Music”

“As a very young child he had experienced monotony, travail, lonely isolation, and intense yearning in Bolero, the wonders of discovery and majestic natural beauty in the Grand Canyon Suite, and the mystery of falling in love in South Pacific. In his adolescent years, he soothed the tribulations of imprisoning loneliness, dangerous self-hatred, forlorn infatuation, […]

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