Archive Monthly Archives: December 2020

“Love as Music”

“Romance—and physical contact formed the pith of romance to the youth—was a matter of timelessness; one had to forget the world and time and lose oneself in the worship, the divine magic, of the loved one. One had to fall deeply into a trance of childlike discovery, encountering and appreciating each new treat as if […]

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“The Rishi”

“Though actually at some distance, the Rishi held up his arm, palm turned down, and acted on the crown of my head as if he were seated right next to me. His hand exerted a powerful magnetic pull on my soul, as it fought to make its way out of the crown chakra and into […]

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“The Power of Love”

“Shakti was the embodiment of love. I remember one client we had who was so gloomy and pessimistic that he might have played Eeyore from Winnie-the Pooh. Dressed all in black, his head hanging down, he would mouse into our office as if he were on his way to the gallows. You guys know me. […]

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“The Lake”

“And what a spectacle they found! The lake stretched out flat and still as an immense piece of plate glass. Cobalt blue in color, the water reflected the hue of the sky, but a single shade lighter. The immense moon, very low on the horizon, gazed upon its twin floating on the surface of the […]

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