Archive Monthly Archives: August 2021


“The man had first heard ‘Magnolia’ as a twenty-two-year-old. After taking a spur-of-the-moment van ride to New Orleans, with friendly Cajuns he had just met that night, he found himself reclining, eyes closed, on a lounge chair in the backyard of a small house in that mysterious city. And there he met “Magnolia.” The song […]

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“Milky Way”

“The Milky Way stretched out above them like a string of exploding fireworks. The thousands of visible stars reminded them of so many shotgun-pellet dents made in the windshield of the sky. The mystery of night and the infinite horizon rained down on them like flakes of invisible magic dust. The trees, reduced to black […]

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“Easy Living

“The predominant feeling in Joshua’s awareness was that of pleasant surprise. At every turn, at any moment, unexpected joy bubbled in his being. Not the joy that makes one want to jump into the air and shout; no, a quieter joy, which brought a shy smile to his mouth and an appreciative twinkle to his […]

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