Archive Monthly Archives: March 2022

“Entering Sedona”

“Suddenly the road curved, revealing a sight that made Amante gasp. Directly in front of them loomed three great cathedrals of rock, smudged to a gleaming, otherworldly eggshell white by the lowering sun. Paz saw bastions and parapets. Amante made out towers and pinnacles. There must have been bodiless soldiers manning those lookouts; there had […]

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“Angels in the Cave”

“As they stood there stunned, the friends heard a voice sounding behind them. Turning, they saw an opening in the wall of rock. Above this opening hung a small roof constructed of unhewed timber. A net of branches covered the timber and was weighed down by a couple dozen rocks. “Glory to Thee, O God,” […]

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“At one point, however, Paz perked up and began to pay very close attention to their surroundings. Relatively small but sharp-edged and tightly contoured mounds rose up from the side of the road. They reminded her of ancient Inca ruins. The sky was a lovely shade of pastel blue. Long streamers of cloud angled down […]

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“She felt divinity speaking to her, whispering from the mouths of the tiny creatures and singing from the beaks of songbirds. Somehow, she had opened the cover of the great book of life and could now see all the wondrous pictures and messages contained within it. Her heart throbbed with gratitude and awe as she […]

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