“Rara Avis” from “Remembering Eternity”

“From the first, it was obvious that they would not interact as males and females typically did.  With her there was no formality, only an easy being-together straightaway.  Other people seemed to lurk back somewhere inside their faces, to be removed at least one step from Skylar’s being, but Ilona shone right there, directly in […]

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“Natural Wonders” from “Remembering Eternity”

“Angled rock faces formed immense rusty nuggets.  Low, shallow formations could have been Aztec pyramids.  A Parthenon in red ochre stretched far across a mini-plateau.  Talus-skirting fringed great tables of sandstone.  A sphinx figure towered over what looked like an ancient city’s battlemented walls.  One of the most unusual carvings showed a Chinese warrior with […]

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“Proletariat Incursion” from “Remembering Eternity”

“People like Isabella, Melvin, Soyala, and Skylar had been invited to the Prince’s ball all right, but as wallflowers, strays, and stags.  The newcomers, like adjunct lecturers alive with dazzle and flair, had a real but short-lived effect on the University.  The interlopers appeared on campus like vibrant and unusual posters for a theatre production: […]

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“The American Aristocracy” from “Remembering Eternity”

“The United States had supposedly turned its back on the old-country ways of class stratification in favor of equality; hence, it could never, in good conscience, acknowledge any system in the country that smacked of aristocratic privilege.  So the wealthy gave lip service to upward mobility and told stories of walking ten miles in the […]

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“Christmas Eve Services” from “Remembering Eternity”

“On Christmas Eve, they took both cars to St. Dunstan’s for the candlelight ceremony that in the latter years had survived, with Easter, as the only occasions when any of the family attended church.  Heavy snow fell as they drove, transforming the earth and its accretions in the celestial fashion that it often does.  For […]

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“Utah’s Magnificence” from “Remembering Eternity”

“But the finest visual treats were those furthest removed from the travelers’ point of vantage.  In the distance, shimmering in that soft, other-worldly light which dusk sometimes brings, gleaming in palest silver and chastened white, loomed a vast temple structure part celestial and part chthonic: a building of rock reminiscent of Karnak, Angkor Wat, or […]

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“Eternity at Hand” from “Remembering Eternity”

“Eternity, like the peek-a-boo morning sun, clasping the horizon’s brim, had been close to bursting forth in all its auroral, igniform, blind dazzle.  It had lurked just beneath the edge of his world, like an actor straining to hold himself back so as not to make a premature entrance, ready to set the surrounding space […]

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“Moonlight Dance” from “Remembering Eternity”

“With her knack for doing the right thing, Ilona made this moonlight dance easier for him than it would otherwise have been.  Rather than immediately facing him, proposing herself as his partner in dance, she instead began her own movements ahead of him, so that she did not see his.  In this way, he could […]

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The Epic Journey of “Remembering Eternity”

We have all wondered, “Why am I here on earth?  What am I doing in this place, with these people?  Why are events happening in my life that seem to come out of the blue?”  We have all asked ourselves why bad things happen to good people.  We have questioned why we were born into […]

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