“Forever Young”

“The professor’s wife, who had her hand under his arm in the best nineteenth-century style, wore her hair perfectly lacquered in place as if it were made of shredded-plastic threads. Despite being seventy-five years old, she still showed, in her expression, the spirit of a girl of twenty. Everyone on the balcony noticed this incongruous […]

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“South Carolina Sky”

“At least twenty big cumulus clouds hung above the hilly horizon like a fleet of otherworldly dirigibles. The clouds shadowed the earth beneath them and Skylar stopped walking, rapt by the stark contrast between the celestial and terrestrial worlds. Above him the endless sky shone clear in ultramarine at its zenith, then in cornflower, delphinium, […]

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“Nature Girl”

“In the movement and rhythms of nature, she found an inexplicable congruence with her own inner being. Sparrows exploding up and outwards as if expelled from a cannon barrel; soughing branches of the Spanish Oak above her, rising, falling, being bent side to side by the push and pull of the winds, their spiky leaves, […]

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“Our Heritage”

“Eternity is the heritage of humanity. It is what we are. Time and space are but concepts. Pure, undespoiled Being is our nature, foreverywhere and always. People madly pursue happiness and satisfaction in the apparently external world like someone looking for his own eyes. “I want to see. Where are my eyes? Give them to […]

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“The Woods”

“Skylar lay on his blanket under a sun faintly warm, like the smile of a once-beautiful but now aging woman, beneath a mackerel sky seemingly created by Aeolus sneezing in his bubble bath and sending the suds across the heavens. Large and small, dense and more-widely outspread, crescents, filaments, balls, balloons, wedges, and tufts; some […]

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“A Room of Magic”

“As if by the sweep of a godly hand or the spelling baton of an awful magus, the vast work room, dedicated to laborious and painstaking process, would many times be transformed into a studio sacred to the arts. The scientific apparatus disappeared as though it had been a mirage and, in its place, rose […]

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