“Festival of Love”

She came into the world now as though she were entering a Festival of Love. Stepping gently on the earth, as if her feet were organs of caress, she moved forward softly like a demure lover. Her mouth sprinkled words as an aspergillum does holy water. Her hands delicately touched an arm or a cheek transmitting the current of a healer. She spoke kind words to the mother of the sick child and consoled that child. She made small talk with the lonely old lady in the wheelchair and caused her to smile. She had a word of thanks to all these people who so generously assisted her. Life had become a dream of tranquility, a stage on which she could perform only acts of love and devotion. Fragrant emanations of tenderness flowed out from her soul.

Richard Maddox

Richard Dietrich Maddox's writing focuses on the search for permanent happiness, the goal of finding paradise on earth, the attainment of human Enlightenment. His work, though fiction, attempts to convey the profound spiritual Truth passed on to humanity by Enlightened Masters. Maddox approaches spiritual wisdom from a Western level of experience, presenting characters to whom readers can easily relate, offering situations in which readers might well have found themselves. His work offers, in a style which those living in the West will find understandable, the possibility of blissful existence.

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