“Good Things Happen”
‘“But you’ve had it pretty tough, Dillon. What you’ve gone through, what you’re escaping from, has been huge, and must have been very painful and damaging. Isn’t it hard to stay hopeful when all you’ve got is an old van that’s running out of gas?” Gilberto paused after saying these words, realizing that they sounded harsh. But he hadn’t meant them that way. He was simply trying to truly understand how this guy remained so optimistic. But Dillon showed no signs of taking offense. “Something always happens. Look, you turned up, Gilberto, and gave me ten bucks for gas. A nice man back in the last town fixed something on a cable that had kept my old girl from starting. Strangers have invited me into their homes to spend the night when the weather was bad and the van had broken down. There’s a lot of good in the world if you just let it find you. Hope, Gilberto, that’s the word of the day.” Dillon slapped the steering wheel with one hand, high-fived his passenger with the other, and broke into wild laughter. Gilberto couldn’t resist joining in.’