“Nature the Magician” from “The Whisper of a Saint”
“Nature now exerted her delicate transformational power on the man. He evanesced like the foam on the beach before him. Devoid of thought, he sat enthralled by the spectacle of nature simply being her exquisite self. The deep sighs of the tide lulled him; the tender, lovable blue-green of the water transfixed him; the silently stretching sky-animals amused him. Better by far than those of the finest symphony were these elements orchestrated. More perfectly than those of the most masterful painting were its hues and tones blended. No humans were in the vicinity to break the perfect spell the scene had woven around its observer.” https://www.amazon.com/Whisper-Saint-Richard-Dietrich-Maddox-ebook/dp/B07677Z5L7