“Walks with a Friend”
“In these walks, Em and Skylar noticed clouds like elephants with upthrust trunks that faced off one against the other, campus lawns covered with yellowed leaves like powdered mustard sprinkled from some godlike hand, denuded trees whose limbs resembled superimposed photographs of ballerinas experimenting with graceful shapes of arm and hand, and sunsets whose golden flows looked like spilled horns of viscous Celtic mead. They passed elderly couples who, despite the fact that neither could hear what the other was saying, continued talking just as if they could. Em would reach down and retrieve a little boy’s ball which had taken a wayward course, and Skylar would ceremoniously bow and make a sweeping gesture with his arm as he held a restaurant door open for a twenty-five-year-old stockbroker’s wife. They would sit on the bus bench and try to guess the life stories of the people disembarking.”