Archive Monthly Archives: April 2023

“Genuine Beauty”

“Genuine beauty, though, transcends physical symmetry. A woman of purely physical beauty, the yearned-for, imitated, and drooled-over cover girl, that paragon of modern society’s hypnotic captivation by the perfect bone structure of the utterly inane, is attractive, but only to the sense of touch. Her body entices a man’s fingers and other appendages to contact […]

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“The Pattern”

“As he listened to Traffic, the novice escaping-artist believed that he needed to hear the messages contained in the music precisely at this point in his development; in other words, he clearly understood that the orchestration of specific events in his life served a complex, greater purpose, being not random occurrences, meaningless in their arrangement, […]

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“The Room”

“Skylar dedicated the room to fellowship, philosophizing, and the arts. He hung prints of famous paintings on the wall: Van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” Monet’s “Impression: Sunrise” (whose exhibition, the first example of a new style of painting, gave Impressionism its name), and three Maxfield Parrish works: “Daybreak,” “Ecstasy,” and “Waterfall.” The Van Gogh served as […]

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“Musical Vibrations”

“And above all other delights, be they discussion or artwork, floated the music that filled this room. Skylar and his guests orchestrated the music, like Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons,” to match the atmospheric conditions of the moment: it might be dreamy, romantic, playful, exotic, transcendental, assertive, or childlike depending on their mood at the time […]

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“The Unbounded Heart”

“Skylar’s heart did not simply emerge from the oubliette where it had long hidden, but it issued from that neglected darkness with the spiritual effulgence of a saint who has spent fifteen years in ceaseless communication with God. It was no longer a question of finding his heart inside his body but of locating his […]

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“He found it charming that he could hear the splashes as the dolphin sped through the waters of the lake and of outer space and that he could feel the cool pearlescent radiance coming out of the moon as it floated just out of the reach of the nucleus: a moon that sincerely wished it […]

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“Spell of Luna”

“Several nights later, I was on the ocean road heading back to the apartment. Like a drunk or a man with love-eyes fixated on the woman at his side, I could not focus on the road down which I drove, but, instead, felt a spell from on high drawing my vision upwards. The moon, squished […]

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