Archive Monthly Archives: January 2024


Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “When they reached each other, Osi held out his hands and she placed hers in them. They looked into each other’s eyes—he into the emerald eyes whose watery brilliance he had so long imagined; he remembered “Emerald Eyes,” whose words had come into his mind […]

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“Mystical Encounter”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tae of Twin Flames”: “Not only was she walking through the clouds, Isi was taking her slow, graceful steps under the watchful eye of the immense, gleaming, radiant, pumpkin-colored moon, now almost fully revealed. Her steps took her past the exotic turquoise chemiluminescence of the waters. They took her […]

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“Walking Through the Clouds”

“When he reached the sand, the seeker saw the girl, head bent, slowly walking in his direction. She was walking through a shower of a million crystalline light motes. Imagine rainfall, but the watery droplets being specks of bright light. The heavens were saluting her with photonic confetti! But, as she reached a spot halfway […]

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“A Soul at the Gates of Heaven”

“The man came before the Gates of Heaven. And God asked him why he should be admitted. The man replied, “I am a Christian, Lord.” And God asked to him, “Have you followed the teachings of Jesus?” “I have hated the sinner and driven her from her place of safety. I have protected hard-earned wealth […]

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“The First Sight”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “Osi, from his perch on the high rock was taking in this wondrous dance in a state of suspended animation. He was barely breathing. Such an overwhelming sense of gratitude and peace had descended on his soul that he felt himself as privileged as one […]

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“Sacred Dance”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “As the minutes passed, the moon grew brighter and brighter. It seemed liberated and now gleamed proud in its gigantic orangeness. The juxtaposition of the ever-waxing orange moon and the fire-dancing turquoise waters was amazing to behold! Isi began once again to dance. She arched […]

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“Speaking Water”

Excerpt fomr “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “Isi paused her dance to gaze out upon the vast Pacific. The water glowed with mystical bioluminescence. Pools of constantly changing light, of brighter and darker shades of aquamarine, shone in the water near the beach. The gentle waves silently lapped in, shimmering in topaz […]

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