Archive Monthly Archives: October 2021


“In an instant, he found himself on an astral plane, where he watched, as a participant, the heavenly scene he had previously witnessed as a guest of Ishvara. Now he floated beside the spirits, who acknowledged him with a gentle nod or a delicate smile. What he noticed most here was the utter absence of […]

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“Waking in Eden”

“He awoke in Eden. The fleeceflowers dotted the low groundcover like tiny temples of color in the otherwise even green. Short to moderately tall spruces and firs encircled him. Lichens spiraled up the side of the trees like boas round a lady’s neck. The early morning light chastened the green hues of the trees and […]

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“The Foothills”

“He caught glimpses of the most primitive roadside huts imaginable: jerry-built lean-tos fashioned from corrugated iron roofs supported by bent and weather wooden posts. But behind these flimsy structures, rising like a silent commentary on the difference between the skills of human beings and those of nature, were the sentinels of the magnificent Garhwal Himalayas. […]

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“As the dazzling wafer of the sun appeared over the rim of the eastern range, its circumference spoked with flares of various lengths and brightness, shooting a 200,000-candlepower spotlight straight at the yogi, the cloud cover dissolved as if it had never existed, revealing the mountains on the western side. These were the ones that […]

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“The Saint Explains”

“‘Ignorance colors our view of the world by modifying the Absolute with conceptions of name and form. One in ignorance sees a mountain and nothing of the Absolute. A Realized Being sees the Absolute over which is superimposed a “mountain,” a name and a form that attempt to separate it from what it really Is.’”

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