“Nature Girl”

“In the movement and rhythms of nature, she found an inexplicable congruence with her own inner being. Sparrows exploding up and outwards as if expelled from a cannon barrel; soughing branches of the Spanish Oak above her, rising, falling, being bent side to side by the push and pull of the winds, their spiky leaves, […]

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“Our Heritage”

“Eternity is the heritage of humanity. It is what we are. Time and space are but concepts. Pure, undespoiled Being is our nature, foreverywhere and always. People madly pursue happiness and satisfaction in the apparently external world like someone looking for his own eyes. “I want to see. Where are my eyes? Give them to […]

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“Colorado Foothills”

“As Interstate 70 traced its course through the foothills, the landscape showed, under high magnification as it were, that its colors flowed one into the other as smoothly as did the curvatures of the earth. A crescent of silver-blue stream bordered by tightly packed spines of grayish-magenta canary grass, clusters of Spotted Ladysthumb blossoms colored […]

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“Rara Avis”

“From the first, it was obvious that they would not interact as males and females typically did. With her there was no formality, only an easy being-together straightaway. Other people seemed to lurk back somewhere inside their faces, to be removed at least one step from Skylar’s being, but Ilona shone right there, directly in […]

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“Imprints of the Past”

“Emotions, experienced over the course of the present and many past lifetimes, leave imprints, some shallow and some traumatically deep, on the tissues of the human soul. For example, people bring into life a thousand different types of unwarranted fear. They experience loneliness, anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, and other emotions in response to the number […]

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