
Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Seeing Princeton once had been enough to cause Skylar to fall in love with the University’s physical beauty. But viewing the place pillowed in down and spread with duvets smoothly immaculate, elevated its charm to an almost-painful level. The campus cushioned and enwrapped in snow represented one’s ever-alluring lover, now ravishing, […]

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“The Campus”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “The buildings had variegated slate roofs, crenellated turrets, pointed arches, and leaded, mullioned, casement windows. The sandstone of their walls, modulated, in gray, buff, violet-brown, and muted black, gave an observer the refreshing, comforting impression of a stream bed. Doors to the dormitories were arched and massively heavy, studded with thick, […]

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“The High Purpose of Art”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Art, Skylar saw, had the same high purpose as the traditions of spirituality: to remind oblivious humanity of its purpose on earth, to arouse in it the desire to find the way back to the Garden, to inspire it with such visions of Paradise that the pursuit of anything less came […]

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Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Day came first to Olympus: the gods on high rode in coaches of amethyst, past shrines of dark-violet rubellite, above plains of black-opal pink, protected by canopies of light-spinel-red, over roadways made from rosy quartz, and under sconces of moonstone. The highest wispy clouds looked like pink ballet tutus and swirls […]

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“The Absolute in the Physical”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Spiritual evolution consists in first discovering and then bringing the wisdom, the Love, of the Absolute into one’s physical existence. If one makes these discoveries but fails to bring them down into the body, so that they can be lived in daily life, then one has only half succeeded. The process […]

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“A Magical Moonlight Dnce Part II”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “She, of course, was destined for a night like this one. Lithe and gracile, she skimmed over rather than trod upon the ground. Not a trained dancer, she nevertheless possessed such comfort with her body and felt so integrated with nature that she stepped, jumped, and spun as if extensively rehearsed. […]

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“A Magical Moonlight Dance”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Ilona stood several yards from the tent, backdropped by stenciled birches, framed on either side by boulders whose gray emanations made them seem like fallen pieces of the moon. Her arms extended above her head, hands placed together, thumbs hooked. The moonlight flecked her body unevenly: deeply shading the place below […]

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