Utah’s Magnificence”

“But, after Sonca turned toward Salina, the scenery for the remainder of the drive across Utah became spectacular. Stilla spotted a wide, low, gray rock that resembled a UFO. There were perfectly round apertures in its side, which might have been windows or even eyes. Massive dun-toned walls of rock climbed straight up from the […]

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“Good Things Happen”

‘“But you’ve had it pretty tough, Dillon. What you’ve gone through, what you’re escaping from, has been huge, and must have been very painful and damaging. Isn’t it hard to stay hopeful when all you’ve got is an old van that’s running out of gas?” Gilberto paused after saying these words, realizing that they sounded […]

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“I once had a teacher, Gilberto, who gave me some great advice. She knew what I was going through at home, and she kind of took me under her wing.” “What was her advice?” “She said that the one thing nobody can ever take away from us is hope. If things are bad, she said, […]

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“By the Stream”

“At this point, the girls lay down on the narrow beach and stared out into the turquoise water, whose surface puckered, bubbled, twisted, and sparkled in response to rocks in the stream bed and the effect of the downpouring sunlight. There was far more to this place than its physical beauty, however. An aura of […]

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“Night Walk”

“The boy ended up walking all night. But it didn’t seem like a long time to him; in fact, it didn’t seem like any time at all. For he had forgotten about time that night. He had simply allowed his consciousness to float out of his body and blend intimately with the hushing exsufflations of […]

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“Night Sky”

“It had been a long night for Gilberto. After parting with Tahatan, he didn’t get another ride for a long time. He decided to walk beside the road. Soon, darkness had descended on the land. Now, what little traffic had passed over the road during the day disappeared. The boy had only the moaning of […]

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