“Live Music”

You are with me, my friend, as we watch music, in its incantatory beauty, rise from Silence to swallow whole our hearts and souls. There is the singer angled toward her creation like a goddess about to bring the dead to life. Behind her is the fiddler, his long hair flowing as he strums. Beside […]

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“The Wiccans”

“Sonca and Stilla were standing near the cave exit when three women walked out of it and approached them. They were all dressed alike in white gowns marked with colorful flowers. Headbands of the same material spanned their foreheads. They were holding hands. The eldest, whose breast-length black hair was combed all to one side, […]

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“Guru Chand’s House”

“The Guru carried on a lively conversation with the young people as they slowly made their way down some small streets in a direction that seemed a foregone conclusion. They came to a small tan house with a notched roofline. The exterior of the structure was constructed of dried mud and surkhi, powdered broken brick. […]

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“Sheikh Muhaiyaddeen”

“The friends now split into two groups with Stilla and Sonca heading off to do some planning and the three girls and Gilberto walking back toward the main cave. As they approached it, they saw a small man dressed completely in white, with even his head wrapped in a white keffiyeh scarf. The man was […]

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“The Lama”

“We are most honored by your presence, Lama. The grand plan is drawing great spiritual teachers and masters here from all corners of the world. Please allow us to help you find an appropriate residence. Such a home has no doubt been provided for you and your companions by the foresight of destiny.” “I know […]

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“Sedna the Angatkuq”

“People were now arriving regularly at the Palace. Kira was by the cave when a woman appeared who was dressed in a voluminous outfit fashioned from sealskin. The pants she wore seemed to have been inflated with gas. The shoulders of her tunic were heavily padded and formed a stiff right angle at their outer […]

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“The Cleverman”

“Orenda had the good fortune to be near the cave exit when a First Nations man slowly and with supreme dignity walked out of it. The man’s appearance was stunning. He was strongly built and slightly stout, with a wispy white beard and matching hair that hung down to his shoulders. His torso was naked […]

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