Archive Monthly Archives: December 2023

“The Rockies”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “When she got to Frisco, Colorado, Isi saw snow completely covering the higher elevations of the mountains. It had partially melted on the face of a big, breast-shaped hill, leaving what appeared to be a white, dancing stick figure. One peak glowed like polished ivory, […]

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“The Sea Cave”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames“: “Schak had led the colonists back to the sea cave, to that magical, hidden space that closely resembled the Delphic omphalos, the “navel” stone that sat at the center of the world, and the axis mundi, the pillar connecting the various worlds in the cosmos. […]

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“Future Games”

Excerpt from Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “‘Future Games’ had entered her life as a wonder, a dreamy poem of possibility enwrapped in guitar chords that felt like tender cheek caresses and others that lifted her soul into some finer, higher space. The words of the song carried plain meaning for her, […]

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“Christmas Eve”

“On Christmas Eve, they took both cars to St. Dunstan’s for the candlelight ceremony that in the latter years had survived, with Easter, as the only occasions when any of the family attended church. Heavy snow fell as they drove, transforming the earth and its accretions in the celestial fashion that it often does. For […]

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“Christmas is family; it is a colorfully illuminated tree and a glowing plastic Santa; it is cards containing warm words and boxes containing hoped-for gifts. Christmas is mom carrying a tray of hot chocolate, a table spread with a pitcher of orange juice and a tray of oozing cherry turnovers; it is banter between siblings […]

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“Many Paths”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “‘And what we see in all these traditions,” Schak said, “is a common thread: escaping from the trammels of the dualistic mind. Many paths lead to Pure Consciousness. People can take any of them. All that matters is that thinking, the process of conceiving of […]

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“Death Is An Illusion”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “‘Death is an illusion. Only this shell of flesh and bone passes away, returning its elements to the cycle of reuse. Our consciousness is Infinite and Eternal; nothing can ever change or destroy It. Why, we ask ourselves, do people not understand these great truths? […]

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Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: ‘We know that we are not these bodies.” Schak pointed to her own. “We understand that we are not capsulized creatures moving in a straight timeline from birth to death. Rather, we are bodiless Pure Consciousness. Not separate from our fellow beings, we are actually […]

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