“Death Is An Illusion”
Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “‘Death is an illusion. Only this shell of flesh and bone passes away, returning its elements to the cycle of reuse. Our consciousness is Infinite and Eternal; nothing can ever change or destroy It. Why, we ask ourselves, do people not understand these great truths? This lack of understanding is based in spiritual ignorance. No one has ever taught them that they are living in a hallucination of limitation and pain. Their egos have manufactured a world of misery and forced them to suffer in it. They constantly feel themselves to be separate from all others and yearn to unite with at least one of those others. But the duality inherent in the world, spun, like a sticky web, by the spider ego, prevents such union. Having inklings, when they look up toward stars like these,” she pointed upward, “of something grand and wonderful in life, they quickly fall back into the paltry and prosaic, the drone work, the yearnings of desire, the pain of loss and separation. It is a tragedy that human beings very rarely perceive their unlimited potential, that they sell themselves so short, imagining they are fashioned from brass when they are actually pure gold.’”