Archive Monthly Archives: June 2020


“Renaissance serenaded me in that stuffy attic. I stood by myself, with feet on the ground and soul flitting up and away. The song carried me to another age and to a finer way of approaching the world. It showed me crystalline life, life glinting and translucent, life fashioned by artistic hands. The music danced […]

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“Youthful Dreams-2”

“He would have instantaneous rapport with her. Both would look and both would see; each would touch in synchrony. Like twins they would know one another’s thoughts without the exchange of words. All four eyes would drink in the petaled emanations of moonlight from the gleaming disk overhead. Both hearts would swell, joy-filled, at the […]

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“Castle Peacocks”

“Here, on the island, the peacocks roamed in all their weird glory. The creatures appeared to contain three entirely dissimilar bodies in one: an electric-blue neck, so stunningly bright as to be almost overpowering, a brown-gray-and-white back that looked like brain tissue or fish scales, and a tail that might have been a nest woven […]

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“Childhood Spirituality”

“Skylar’s saunter to school took, then, an ever-so-slightly-indulgent path on which stones came to magical life, fallen leaves wheezed goodbye to the world, and gutter water sluiced in turbulent runnels. These observations of animate nature were interspersed with time-transcendent, frozen moments in which he experienced a tangible sense of stoppage, of everything: of people, pebbles, […]

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“The American Elite”

“But naturally no one, not even the families who benefited from them, liked to discuss these hidden aids (that put the odds of the game always in favor of the elites). After all, they dimmed the mystique surrounding the “self-made man,” seeming to indicate, as they did, that he took unfair advantage of those not […]

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“Dissolving “

“After the waves spent themselves against the sand, the lazy whitewater spume formed crescent shapes, which overlapped like paint blobs on an artist’s palette, some superjacent, some underneath. As I lost my sense of a separate self, a physical form with a so-called mind contained in that shape, my soul flowed out, spreading, deliquescing, and […]

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“The Dance”

“On the dance floor, teenagers did somersaults across the slick wooden boards.  One man walked on his hands.  Heavy bass notes reverberated from somewhere outside the room, as though another band were playing close by, a possibility I knew to be false.  Straight men hugged one another with the affection of couples.  So profuse was […]

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