“The High Purpose of Art”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Art, Skylar saw, had the same high purpose as the traditions of spirituality: to remind oblivious humanity of its purpose on earth, to arouse in it the desire to find the way back to the Garden, to inspire it with such visions of Paradise that the pursuit of anything less came to be seen as otiose. He strongly felt the perversity of limiting the goal of art to entertainment: the masterly craftsmanship of European cathedrals may be beautiful, but the beauty is meant to inspire the faithful with thoughts of the Infinite and Eternal. Art, he believed, ought to bring Spirit into materiality: dull stone became majestic sculpture, common words united to sweep up their reader to a place sublime and blissful, and catgut vibrated like the sounds of creation. Great art perfectly symbolized Enlightenment: in such art, Spirit vibrated within matter. Matter, the elements of the physical world, is shown by supreme artists to be but a diaphanous veil over Omnipresent Spirit. They use the objective forms of their art to reveal the essentially non-objective Reality of the universe.”

Richard Maddox

Richard Dietrich Maddox's writing focuses on the search for permanent happiness, the goal of finding paradise on earth, the attainment of human Enlightenment. His work, though fiction, attempts to convey the profound spiritual Truth passed on to humanity by Enlightened Masters. Maddox approaches spiritual wisdom from a Western level of experience, presenting characters to whom readers can easily relate, offering situations in which readers might well have found themselves. His work offers, in a style which those living in the West will find understandable, the possibility of blissful existence.

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