Archive Monthly Archives: June 2024

“Vrede’s Kiss”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Vrede kissed him neither like a tyro unsure how to form her lips nor like a flirt, whose automatic, routine movements demonstrate her mastery of the art. Their kisses came slowly, their lips lingering in place after making contact. Some invisible quality of calmness emanated from her, causing him to noticeably […]

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“Similar Souls”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Skylar had learned that souls come into human life with tendencies, impressions, and goals. Some take bodies and walk the earth in order to master things practical and material, others to saddle Spirit with a body and ride, still others to learn emotional lessons that serve to diminish the control of […]

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“Childlike Holiness”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “As Skylar brought to mind other sayings of Jesus regarding the Kingdom, he remembered the words about children: “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Skylar mentally ran over his stored images of Saints: Adi Shankara, Ramana Maharishi, Teresa of Avila, […]

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“Musicians as Priests”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “The best composers played vital roles in spiritual evolution; they functioned like psychopomps for the living, leading the way to the regions of soul. These artists, having mounted Jacob’s ladder themselves, re-created its rungs in sound, so that their music’s receptive listeners could likewise ascend. Music possessed this power more than […]

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“All this It Is”

It’s freesia petals softly pressing caresses on your face. It’s parades of gardenia blossoms floating perfume up your nose. It’s a Maui melting-apricot sunset gleaming in your eyes. It’s Debussy bubbling mythic enchantment deep into your ears. It’s the taste of dripping chocolate as it lands upon your tongue. All this It Is, my friend, […]

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“Painting of a Woman”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Intrigued by the technique that had accomplished this feat, Skylar bent forward to examine the paper more closely. The woman resembled Dusky but differed from her as well. More sensual, callipygian, fuller-breasted, she bore a family resemblance to her creator, but added a voluptuous dimension. Her hair, full and thick but […]

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Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “The profusion of shapes, textures, and colors of flowers stunned the observer’s senses. The perfumes floating on the breeze, ranging from light and sweet to dense and rich, caused him to momentarily fall in love with life. The grounds might have been a many-acred maternity ward: new life cried forth from […]

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Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “At its best, playing pinball approached in quality the unitary experiences Skylar had had in Yak’s bedroom and at Hermosa Beach. Instincts guided one’s flipper finger; one took actions before one’s cognizing mind even recognized the need for them. A high-scoring game involved the disappearance of all sense of separation from […]

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“Quiet Times”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “They had been talking about simplicity, quiet, and peace, then “Magnolia” came on with its ever-so-simple music, its ever-so-simple longing; and the song whispered to them the secret of honest naturalness: that as one removes the frills used to prettify life, lowers one’s voice while addressing it, and humbles one’s ego […]

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