Archive Monthly Archives: June 2024

“Meeting a Saint”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Slowly, with careful steps, gathering flowers and smiling as he moved, the Master made his way up the steps. When he reached the man in front of me, he turned from the opposite direction and faced us. He took first the flower of that man and then, as I wedged my […]

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“Ziggy Stardust”

Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “”Ziggy Stardust represented a side path, an evolutionary branch nature chose not to continue, a revelation of the coolness of androgyny, a space metaphor based on a queer inverted geometry which took its new audience by surprise, but, in the process, thrilled it, amazed it, and made it want to dance. […]

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Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “The most successful covers stimulated a thrill of anticipation whose character matched that of the emotions which their encased music aroused. Skylar’s finger came to the cover of Santana’s Abraxas album. The vividness and sensuality of the music shone gorgeously on this cover: a monumental black goddess with intimidating breasts reclines […]

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Excerpt from “Remembering Eternity”: “Even within human life, time stretched and shrank. A child’s day resembled an octogenarian’s month, not, as most people claimed, because a day represented a larger percentage of a child’s life than of an adult’s but because the number of discoveries made by a child in a given period of time […]

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