Archive Monthly Archives: June 2018

“Oneness” from “Remembering Eternity”

“If the Oneness is Everywhere, why is a path needed from some “here” to some “there?” If the Oneness is Always, how can there be enlightenment or heaven at some time other than now? Time and space are mental constructs of the logical mind of man. The mind is nothing but thoughts. Thoughts come and […]

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“Eternity at Hand” from “Remembering Eternity”

“Eternity, like the peek-a-boo morning sun, clasping the horizon’s brim, had been close to bursting forth in all its auroral, igniform, blind dazzle. It had lurked just beneath the edge of his world, like an actor straining to hold himself back so as not to make a premature entrance, ready to set the surrounding space […]

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