Archive Monthly Archives: March 2020

“Moon Night”

“It was an almost fully moonlit sky, only a mouse nibble was missing from circular perfection. Phalanxes of bruised cloudlets, arrow-headed and multitudinous, sailed in silence across the soft shining disk. At times the moon would win out, as if Cosmic Intelligence or conscious clarity had prevailed in the heavens or in the soul of […]

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“Elsa’s Fairies”

“Elsa encountered the elementals of both earth and water; she met them in gardens and woods, by streams and lakes. Something told her that these beings intermediated between the gross physicality of the world experienced through the senses and the subtle spirituality of the celestial domains. She apperceived that just as the fleshy integument of […]

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“The Pacific Ocean: Part 2”

“The surf’s ever-recurring liquid whisper sounded like a hush-a-bye-baby lullaby purred by some invisible but all-loving mother to soothe his soul into gentle release. What deep satisfaction he found in this perpetual advance and recession, which nothing could stop, which would continue evermore; though man might laugh or cry or fight or die, this flow […]

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“The Pacific Ocean: Part 1”

“As Skylar sat there, arms entwining knees, thought replaced by wonder; as his eyes sailed what looked to be the endless Pacific, he became more intimate with the world than he had ever been. The plunging, chasmed depths of the ocean (inversions of the soaring, colossal peaks of the mountains), rising up to shelves and […]

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“Love as Music”

“Romance—and physical contact formed the pith of romance to the youth—was a matter of timelessness; one had to forget the world and time and lose oneself in the worship, the divine magic, of the loved one. One had to fall deeply into a trance of childlike discovery, encountering and appreciating each new treat as if […]

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“The Speaking Sea”

“The sea, though mute of voice, yearned to speak to me, to communicate with a more profound tongue mysteries and lessons it wanted me to learn. Friable cliffs faced the ever-charging vast power of the water like overly brave young boys bracing their shoulders and torsos to meet a great wave head on. For as […]

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