“The Sun Breaks Through”

Excerpt from “The Evolution of Skylar Seequn”: “On those rare days when the sun succeeded in emerging from the dense blanket of clouds that typically covered the sky, I would marvel at it. What hidden meaning lay in this star whose brightness precluded direct view? How moving were its long-stretched beams as they made their […]

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Excerpt from “The Evolution of Skylar Seequn”: “The glory of nature enwrapped me in her sensuous arms. The rich, heady smell of the earth awakening after winter wafted up to me from the lawn beside the school. The eager, needful cries of the birds carried my eyes up to the trees to and from which […]

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“Walking to School”

Excerpt from “The Evolution of Skylar Seequn”: “Walking to school amounted to putting my inner silence in motion. The silence was preserved, though the feet constantly moved forward. I sauntered while the other kids on the block hurried. I watched the twig being carried, like a helpless swimmer, along the rivulet of racing water at […]

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“Inside My Head”

Excerpt from “The Evolution of Skylar Seequn”: “Something about being inside my own head simply delighted me. It was my default position in life. Moving outward, toward the world, constituted a great effort; sinking quietly and peacefully into my Self proved effortless. The outer world jarred my soul. It was far too noisy and chaotic. […]

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Excerpt from “The Evolution of Skylar Seequn”: “My head began to expand, extending out on all sides until it filled the entire room. Accompanying this expansion of awareness was an ineffable sense of perfect peace. All was still and silent. I seemed to be floating on a buoyant sea, which supported me in every place […]

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“Night Dance”

Excerpt from “The Evolution of Skylar Seequn”: “But, despite my tendency to withdraw into myself, Ilona and I had some wonderful times together. I shall never forget the night she danced naked in the woods under a full moon. With what grace and balance did she spin and leap, as if seeking, with every impulse […]

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