Category Archives for Uncategorized

“Genuine Happiness”

“When one has gained inner stability, then a quiet joy constantly fills one’s life. One no longer depends on external developments to bring happiness; one is already happy. The sun may shine or the rain may fall; the stock market may rise or it may drop; wrinkles, gray hair, and illness may come, but the […]

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“In truth, the world and the individual are all merely reflections of Reality, in the same way that an ocean might alternately show a surface placid as far as the eye can see or one roiling with precipitous billows, but never stop being the same ocean. Just as an onlooker usually notices only the surface […]

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“The Trip that is Music”

“If a lover gazes into the eyes of his beloved and thinks “I really wish that Van Dyke brown had a bit more of a ginger to it,” he is not truly in love. If one listened to “American Beauty” and noted that there was too much of an improvisational flavor to the songs, then […]

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“Dusk had begun to settle as they arrived and it obscured in shadow three-quarters of their view of the great aperture. Opaque were the monstrous piles of boulders rising all around them: some light gray, others blue gray, but most, rusted orange. So numerous were these rocks and so high their mounds that they might […]

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“A Pure Child”

“In everything, Elsa saw the soul. To her a woods was not a collection of trees and plants with an odd assortment of rocks scattered over the ground and some birds singing in the branches above, but a composite of living Spirit, of energy, pulsing, vibrating, swirling, interacting. She felt the deep silent energy of […]

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