“The Buddha”
Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “Gradually, the faintest of images appeared in this clear space. At first, the image resembled a partially developed photograph: there was just a vague outline, something like a fine-tipped pencil drawing. Then the image grew more distinct. But still its identity was not obvious. But the process continued. The faint became clearer; the light became darker; the vague became more distinct. A dark mass became visible in the center of the pillar. Then several pale-pink oblongs appeared. After some time, an entire figure was revealed: the seated Buddha! He did not at all look like the traditional images. A mass of black hair rested atop his head. His hands were very long. One was held down in his lap and the other raised rib-high. He wore a dark robe and his eyes were completely shut. His eye sockets were large. He was a handsome man. The Buddha sat in deep peace, his face a study in transcendence.”