Archive Monthly Archives: December 2022

“Christmas Eve: 2”

“On Christmas Eve, they took both cars to St. Dunstan’s for the candlelight ceremony that in the latter years had survived, with Easter, as the only occasions when any of the family attended church. Heavy snow fell as they drove, transforming the earth and its accretions in the celestial fashion that it often does. For […]

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“Christmas Eve”

“Supremely-anticipated Christmas Eve finally arrived. Snow fell that day and all the neighborhood kids gathered for snowball fights and snowman construction. He wore black-rubber boots with metal fittings that snapped in and locked tight, a heavy woolen coat, a knit scarf, and mittens that made it difficult to use his hands. When covered in snow […]

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“Christmas Preparations”

“He watched with silent fascination as his mother opened the boxes containing the invocatory ceremonial utensils, as holy for him as any shining on a church’s altar. There was the small Christmas tree that one wound up and set spinning. As it rotated holiday music emerged from an internal mechanism, invisibly, as if by magic. […]

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“Becoming Water”

“Shakti asked me if I knew that all the elements—earth, air, fire, and water—went into making up everything we saw around us. I thought for a minute before answering, ‘No, I didn’t know that.’ But she told me that it was true, and that, if you focused, you could actually see these elements. My mind […]

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“A New Way of Seeing”

“As I spent more time within myself, I began to see things, not celestial beings or anything like that, more like seeing through things. I saw the energy behind the object, the soul of a person behind their persona. The roles that people played in life no longer fooled me. Society’s attempts to present the […]

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“Night Goddess”

“Once again, the friends paused to savor the glory of the scene surrounding them. This night resembled a gigantic goddess flashing a masterpiece of jewelry: the moon hung from its invisible chain like a perfectly rounded opal, but it was only half of a parure, for its matching stone floated on the surface of the […]

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“The Power of Love”

“Shakti was the embodiment of love. I remember one client we had who was so gloomy and pessimistic that he might have played Eeyore from Winnie-the Pooh. Dressed all in black, his head hanging down, he would mouse into our office as if he were on his way to the gallows. You guys know me. […]

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