Category Archives for Uncategorized

“A Friend” from “Remembering Eternity”

“As he gazed into his young friend’s eyes, seeing there only welcome and joy, Skylar felt himself unfolding, as if he had been a long-locked jewelry box whose mechanism had just sprung open.  His heart, which had long lain hidden beneath layer after layer of protection, behind shield, armor, and mail, like a cherished princess […]

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“1969” from “Remembering Eternity”

“The Vietnam War dominated the attention of Americans and citizens of other nations, but the famine in Biafra generated images (of skeletal children) as horrific as any coming out of the war zone.  Eleven months earlier, in what constituted the largest demonstration in the country’s history, two million Americans had protested against the war.  The […]

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“Colorado Foothills” from “Remembering Eternity”

“As Interstate 70 traced its course through the foothills, the landscape showed, under high magnification as it were, that its colors flowed one into the other as smoothly as did the curvatures of the earth.  A crescent of silver-blue stream bordered by tightly packed spines of grayish-magenta canary grass, clusters of Spotted Ladysthumb blossoms colored […]

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“Rara Avis” from “Remembering Eternity”

“From the first, it was obvious that they would not interact as males and females typically did.  With her there was no formality, only an easy being-together straightaway.  Other people seemed to lurk back somewhere inside their faces, to be removed at least one step from Skylar’s being, but Ilona shone right there, directly in […]

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“Natural Wonders” from “Remembering Eternity”

“Angled rock faces formed immense rusty nuggets.  Low, shallow formations could have been Aztec pyramids.  A Parthenon in red ochre stretched far across a mini-plateau.  Talus-skirting fringed great tables of sandstone.  A sphinx figure towered over what looked like an ancient city’s battlemented walls.  One of the most unusual carvings showed a Chinese warrior with […]

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“Proletariat Incursion” from “Remembering Eternity”

“People like Isabella, Melvin, Soyala, and Skylar had been invited to the Prince’s ball all right, but as wallflowers, strays, and stags.  The newcomers, like adjunct lecturers alive with dazzle and flair, had a real but short-lived effect on the University.  The interlopers appeared on campus like vibrant and unusual posters for a theatre production: […]

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“The American Aristocracy” from “Remembering Eternity”

“The United States had supposedly turned its back on the old-country ways of class stratification in favor of equality; hence, it could never, in good conscience, acknowledge any system in the country that smacked of aristocratic privilege.  So the wealthy gave lip service to upward mobility and told stories of walking ten miles in the […]

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“Christmas Eve Services” from “Remembering Eternity”

“On Christmas Eve, they took both cars to St. Dunstan’s for the candlelight ceremony that in the latter years had survived, with Easter, as the only occasions when any of the family attended church.  Heavy snow fell as they drove, transforming the earth and its accretions in the celestial fashion that it often does.  For […]

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