Category Archives for Uncategorized

“Nature the Magician” from “The Whisper of a Saint”

“Nature now exerted her delicate transformational power on the man. He evanesced like the foam on the beach before him. Devoid of thought, he sat enthralled by the spectacle of nature simply being her exquisite self. The deep sighs of the tide lulled him; the tender, lovable blue-green of the water transfixed him; the silently […]

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“The American Elite” from “Remembering Eternity”

“But naturally no one, not even the families who benefited from them, liked to discuss these hidden aids (that put the odds of the game always in favor of the elites).  After all, they dimmed the mystique surrounding the “self-made man,” seeming to indicate, as they did, that he took unfair advantage of those not […]

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“A Friend” from “Remembering Eternity”

“As he gazed into his young friend’s eyes, seeing there only welcome and joy, Skylar felt himself unfolding, as if he had been a long-locked jewelry box whose mechanism had just sprung open.  His heart, which had long lain hidden beneath layer after layer of protection, behind shield, armor, and mail, like a cherished princess […]

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“1969” from “Remembering Eternity”

“The Vietnam War dominated the attention of Americans and citizens of other nations, but the famine in Biafra generated images (of skeletal children) as horrific as any coming out of the war zone.  Eleven months earlier, in what constituted the largest demonstration in the country’s history, two million Americans had protested against the war.  The […]

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“Colorado Foothills” from “Remembering Eternity”

“As Interstate 70 traced its course through the foothills, the landscape showed, under high magnification as it were, that its colors flowed one into the other as smoothly as did the curvatures of the earth.  A crescent of silver-blue stream bordered by tightly packed spines of grayish-magenta canary grass, clusters of Spotted Ladysthumb blossoms colored […]

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