Category Archives for Uncategorized

“Eternity at Hand” from “Remembering Eternity”

“Eternity, like the peek-a-boo morning sun, clasping the horizon’s brim, had been close to bursting forth in all its auroral, igniform, blind dazzle. It had lurked just beneath the edge of his world, like an actor straining to hold himself back so as not to make a premature entrance, ready to set the surrounding space […]

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“The Birth of Spring” from “Remembering Eternity”

“As the earth, kissed by the vernal sun, slowly awoke like a Sleeping Beauty, smelling of warmed, natural perfumes and fecund loins, stretching her dazed limbs, smiling up at the clear skies, everything around her came to life as well. Bird couples swooped and fluttered in delight as they gathered the materials for their new […]

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“A Magical Moonlight Dance” from “Remembering Eternity”

“Ilona stood several yards from the tent, backdropped by stenciled birches, framed on either side by boulders whose gray emanations made them seem like fallen pieces of the moon. Her arms extended above her head, hands placed together, thumbs hooked. The moonlight flecked her body unevenly: deeply shading the place below her chest, shining bright […]

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“Friendship” from “The Enlightenment of Joshua Inly”

“They would take walks in Joshua’s neighborhood or in the vicinity of the music store where they often met.  Sometimes they talked enthusiastically, surprised and delighted to have someone who, they knew, would immediately understand every word they spoke; other times they would remain speechless, content to look around them at the greening trees, the […]

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“Female Glory”

“I remember seeing her standing on the high balcony, backdropped by a hazy range of Leonardo mountains and the vague river snaking by their feet. She was a Pacific Island girl, probably about thirty, at the acme of her feminine beauty. Her form waved up like an ondule-patterned silk, magic to the eyes. Her straight, […]

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