
“Nature was awakening with full-throated enthusiasm: the birds were flitting and chirping as if possessed, insects buzzed and stridulated enthusiastically, lavender irises looked like tiny fairy bonnets, milkmaids with green centers spread four perfectly white petals, and tiny woodland strawberries dangled from deeply serrated leaves. The air was cool and so pure that simple breathing proved a delight. In the distance, they heard the burbling of a swiftly moving stream. The earth sent up rich herbal scents of reviviscence. Narcotic aromas of rising sap spread out from the trees. The sun, mostly hidden by the forest canopy, broke through here and there in stray, silvery beams resembling meteor flashes.”

Richard Maddox

Richard Dietrich Maddox's writing focuses on the search for permanent happiness, the goal of finding paradise on earth, the attainment of human Enlightenment. His work, though fiction, attempts to convey the profound spiritual Truth passed on to humanity by Enlightened Masters. Maddox approaches spiritual wisdom from a Western level of experience, presenting characters to whom readers can easily relate, offering situations in which readers might well have found themselves. His work offers, in a style which those living in the West will find understandable, the possibility of blissful existence.

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