“Superflower Blood Moon”
“The moon was passing through the earth’s shadow, gradually shrinking into a mere silver crescent. Finally, the shadow completely engulfed the orb. Then a tinge of washed-out persimmon appeared at its base. After a few minutes, the satellite took on the color of a farm-fresh egg yolk, with its valleys and mountains looking like seahorses and toy ponies floating in the rich orange. More minutes passed, and the moon showed the color of a ripe apricot; its features now like livid bruises. And then, finally, the top of the sphere began to shine bright yellow and the whole of it to glow with the hue of a mature pumpkin. The moon was gigantic, intimate, excessive, pressing. Its glow was otherworldly. Its proximity threw one’s normal celestial perspective out of kilter. It was vividly orange and it was immense.”