“The Mountain”

Excerpt from “Osi and Isi: A Tale of Twin Flames”: “Native Americans believed that sky people lived above the tree line here. A geologist investigating the legend discovered an 11-miles-long cave at the furthest end of which lay a ten-foot skeleton. The scientist also found within the cave statues that glowed in the dark and an ancient shield marked with strange hieroglyphics. After hiding the entrance to the cave, the explorer later returned with a large party for further exploration. But he vanished into thin air before reaching it. None of the others saw him go, and his body was never found; nor could the searchers locate the entrance to the cave. Locals had for years observed craft flying into the side of the mountain and entering it. Some people had seen beings walking through walls of solid rock. The place was renowned as an energy vortex.”

Richard Maddox

Richard Dietrich Maddox's writing focuses on the search for permanent happiness, the goal of finding paradise on earth, the attainment of human Enlightenment. His work, though fiction, attempts to convey the profound spiritual Truth passed on to humanity by Enlightened Masters. Maddox approaches spiritual wisdom from a Western level of experience, presenting characters to whom readers can easily relate, offering situations in which readers might well have found themselves. His work offers, in a style which those living in the West will find understandable, the possibility of blissful existence.

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